Sunday, October 27, 2019

Offseason regular visit to the land of poutine and bagels - Montreal RNR 5K RR

In BC, our summer abruptly changes to the rainy season once September rolls in. The last race of season in Curtis Lake is a good reminder of that! 

For the third consecutive year, Montreal has become one of our favourite destinations to visit. The perfect late September conditions provide a smooth transition into the off-season! As I'm still in denial of the weather back at home. Montreal is also a fantastic hub for meeting up with friends.

So cool to have Brendan and Lawrence make the trip from Ottawa to meet up!
Not too far from race expo, Chinatown has an amazing food scene for evening treats, popular for young people.    
I couldn't resist trying the mostly all hype Brown sugar latte as it was half the price it is at home!

The Saturday 5K race was pretty much one out and one back and hot off the gun. It was meant to be a chill fun race for me. One abnormal supinator was annoyingly fast. We were yo-yoing but he ended having stronger legs. Jen and I was always within 10-20m. She caught me at the 4km mark and I tried to hang on to her for the last bit finishing about 6 seconds back and taking a second or two to celebrate clap for her. 

Jen shared the podium with two amazing 14 year olds!

One hand with bling. The other timmies. Apparently there isn't many Tim Hortons in the states.

We jumped on a cheap rental car and found two Berlins on route to New Haven! Vermont and Connecticut have their own German town version of Berlins dating back to early settlements.

Lunch time at Yale Hospital is amazing. I thought we missed a few food trucks across the road since Jen was leading past them, only to make a 90 degrees turn and see over 40 more line up along the road. 
A greenway in New Haven.

 I was curious where one end would end up and it looks like the dungeon for a dragon. Otherwise, it looks like an old railway corridor was converted to a pedestrian/cyclist path. 

A nice looking bowstring truss bridge.
 Time for Times Square and beyond. Small detour to get to Berlin.
Excited for Berlin (the actual German one).

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