Sunday, November 28, 2010

LESS is more.

Finally, a blog update!

I’ve been meaning to do FIVE but I just have been procrastinating. This picture I found pretty much sums up my less than kick-ass motivation of late. My downtime has mostly been reallocated to beauty naps.


The ante has been upped for searching quality naptime since I’ve started my day job. The only nap time I can take is after workhours. Hence, the lack of productivity on my blog.

At work, the line of work is still super secretive at the moment and the interesting assignments I’ve come across definitely passes time more quickly. It beats school work in a heartbeat back when I pretty much enjoyed napping in each and every class. No joke. Surprisingly, I’ve managed to survive being discrete about it and nobody in the office seems to mind when I take up to 3 different desks for my work (Okay two of the three were actually assigned to me for temporary desk-parking locations). =)

When it comes to that other form of blazing flash of fun and excitement (i.e. running, biking, and swimming), it’s been more like my physical training to become a ninja. Only weekends to I get to enjoy training in light and get my dose of vitamin D. However, I have also been struggling to get in my naps so I have to bank a lot of time during the weekends.

This has been an extremely busy week for me. Fall classic on Sunday (stayed tune for full race report - I’ve been meaning to write it up, but it seems like the time officials are spending just as much time as me procrastinating about correcting the times). I also had my convocation on Thursday (woohoo, it feels good to be done!), the temporary laid white stuff on the ground decided to join us for the big party, which allowed for some pretty cool pictures. Checkout that giant snowball being ricoheted off my sister.

For me, I know it might be super lamesauce going to the same convocation twice within two calendar years. Hey, last year for my Bachelors and hello again this year for my Masters. The chancellor looked at me funny and perhaps realized I was back again. Funny most of my friends still think it’s just MEH. But this time if felt REAL.

No more delaying the inevitable this time (oh right the blog update). I guess I’ve kinda exhausted that lifeline already.

Chancellor, President, and "Space Lady" Julie Payette was there to accept her 19th hon. degree.

Really!? I must admit Space Lady/Engineer/Musician is REALLY a bit of an underachiever. =)

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